
Queen City Towing Customer Testimonials

Finally needed a tow and remembered these guys trucks from around town. Gave them a call and they were there in no time. The operator had an awesome personality. Even more important he had all the skills and knowledge to retrieve my much loved BMW convertible with as much care as I would use myself!!! Thank you guys, you have my trust and my business ANY day!!!
- Christopher W.

Show genuine car for the person, not just out for the money. Can't judge the work done because my insurance needed some information sent digitally that they were not able to provide, so I had to go through another body shop. I would recommend for the customer service alone!
- Stephanie F
I had a sports car with a dead battery, so dead that it could not be jumpstarted (also has complex electronics and resets). More difficult than just putting a new battery in). I called Queen City Towing, and they quoted me a fixed price + X per mile, very good quote. Dealt with "Gerry." He was here within 30 minutes. He meticulously removed the auto from the garage, loaded up and towed it to the repair facility. When Gerry arrived at the drop off point he called me with the total bill. It was actually a little less than the estimate including mileage. Gerry and Queen City Towing did a great, quick, quality job. I highly recommend Queen City Towing. Thanks Gerry, great job!
- Terry B.
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